Would you believe that management experts have identified 50 qualities they believe are important in a leader? It is unlikely that any one person would have all of these, but there are seven attributes that are commonly discussed when the question of leadership arises.

We considered these seven attributes in the context of inspiring people to provide quality service and found three that we believe are essential. We should clarify here that a leader can also be a manager, but a manager is not always a leader. A manager gets things done using tools like targets and procedures while a leader infuses people with a passion for reaching organisational goals.

We know from our years in business that true leaders don’t use fear and intimidation to get results. Instead, they create an environment that allows their staff to thrive and express their own creativity. At Carbon Group, we believe we have created such an environment, and we also work with our clients to help them do the same in their own businesses.

Leaders have a Vision of the Future that is Unique to Them

Tapping into and directing people’s passion requires vision, and this is the most important leadership attribute. Leaders can see a clear destination, a place where they want their businesses to be years from now. They can imagine how the future will look and use their original ideas to inspire others.

They are able to articulate that vision to their employees and make it sound exciting enough for them to want to be involved. One of the ways they do this is through solid strategic planning and the ability to communicate those plans right through the organisation, regardless of its size.

There is no Progress without Courage

Courage is the second attribute. When we look back through history, no great venture or social change took place without someone, somewhere taking a risk. Leaders must have the courage to go ahead with their plans, and be ready to accept that success might not happen on the first attempt. In life and business, the future is not certain, so every action we take has some element of risk.

Integrity is the Foundation Stone of Every Successful Venture

Leaders without integrity are usually found wanting at some stage, and again, we don’t have to look too far into history to find many examples. Leaders with integrity are always prepared to tell the truth about a situation, and through their example, they empower their employees to do the same. This, in turn, builds a culture of trust throughout an organisation that increases both morale and productivity.

When members of an organisation trust each other to make decisions, meet deadlines and follow through on agreed plans, they raise the standard of service they provide to their customers. Goods are delivered on time, calls and emails returned, courtesies extended and communications are polite and professional. Leaders create this environment through their example and here at Carbon Group we have been fortunate to be part of this.