Has there ever been a more difficult and volatile time to be running a business? Maybe and maybe not, if we take a look back over the last 100 years. A couple of world wars, the Great Depression, the deregulation of the Australian economy, the GFC, natural disasters, and now the technological revolution begs the question; is there ever a good time to be running a business?

Out of Control Events Need a Cool Head

None of these events was under the direct control of business owners, so what is the stand-out lesson from this look back over recent history? Surely it is that keeping your business healthy requires constant care and input from management, and an ability to respond to external conditions that are out of your control.

Protect Your Business from an Early Demise

This can be a very difficult thing to do, especially for a small business owner who does not have a large, professional staff available to deal with the volumes of information that modern businesses must monitor. Statistics show that many businesses fold within the first five years of being established, but there is a way to protect your business from that fate.

These days, it is not possible for one person to have all the skills and knowledge needed to service customers, maintain the accounts, recruit and train staff, set up systems and attend to government regulations. All is not lost however, as we have expert help at hand. Carbon Group are not just accountants. We also offer a range of business services that have helped our clients prosper and grow even under the most difficult circumstances.

A Good Accountant is Always an Asset

Of course, if this is the only service a business needs, we can certainly provide accounting assistance. Our staff members are all professionally qualified and experienced and have up to date knowledge of ATO (Australian Taxation Office) rules and requirements. For those who need it however, we can offer so much more to the business owner or manager.

Business Health Checks Keep an Eye on the Ball

Our benchmarking and business health check provides an objective and extensive analysis to identify under-performing areas. These are in every business, dragging down profit and slowing growth. Often, management is too busy with daily operational matters to identify these “black holes”. We provide a step-by-step process to follow in order to correct these situations.

Professional Advice on Call

We also offer our Business Partner Program that provides expert help on call. One annual fee gives you access to one of our professionals to ask questions and seek advice, without having to worry about what the contact is costing you. It has proven to be an effective tool for our clients who need help to keep their businesses on track.

These are just a couple of our business services. Let us help you navigate the turbulent waters of modern business and take your business to the next level.