Here is everything you need to know about Management Liability Insurance. Our Business Insurance experts break down the complexities.

  • Unfair dismissal
  • Wrongful termination
  • Sexual harassment
  • Bullying
  • Misleading and deceptive conduct

These are all words that make an employer cringe – with the world is becoming more litigious by the day are you protected?

Did you know:

  • 50% of management liability notifications result in a claim
  • The average cost of an unfair dismissal claim is $50,000
  • 59% of management liability claims are employment practices liability
  • 70% of statutory liability claims come from OH&S
  • 60% of frauds take over 3 years to detect (Warfield & Associates)

Management Liability Insurance Can Provide Cover For:

  • Company reimbursement – claim against insured persons for wrongful acts or employment practice breach
  • Entity – claim against the company for wrongful acts or employment practice breach
  • Employment practices breach
  • Statutory liability
  • Crime
  • Tax audit costs

This policy can also include a cyber risk extension.
If you would like to know more or would like a quote, contact Carbon Insurance Brokers