In these turbulent times, with employees switching between working from home and the office at the drop of a hat, keeping engagement high can be tricky.

Even before the pandemic the cost of disengaged employees was becoming clear, with companies noticing a clear correlation between employee engagement, workplace turnover and employee productivity. In fact, research shows that disengaged employees make mistakes 60% more often than engaged employees do.

At the HR Dept, we believe it’s worth making an effort to keep employees engaged, whether they’re working at home or in the office. After all, engaged employees are more productive, more motivated, and less inclined to look for alternative employment!

But, how do you hit on that magic formula of employee engagement – especially when your team is working far from the office?

Ensure remote workers feel like part of the team

Just because an employee is working in solitude at home, doesn’t mean they’re not part of the team. Make an effort to bring your workforce together, even virtually. Arrange a virtual catch up or coffee break for the whole team – without any kind of work-related agenda.

Make sure your team isn’t just relying on email to communicate – there are plenty of instant messaging apps available, such as Slack, or Google Teams. The ability to have an instant “chat” with someone can really ensure your workers feel like part of a team.

Provide suitable technology and equipment

Ensure that all technology is set up in the office so that remote workers can easily dial in from home and instantly feel like part of the team.

Similarly, ensure your remote employees have access to the same equipment as your office workers – for instance, are they sitting in a straight-backed chair at the kitchen table to work, with no mouse? That’s not ideal!

Set achievable goals

Setting goals is an essential part of keeping your employees engaged in their role whilst they work remotely. Not only does it allow for accountability and professional growth, making ambitious goals can keep your team feeling motivated and valued.

Communicate often

Stay in touch with the whole team, wherever they are. What are they working on? What are they struggling with? Is there anything you can help with? Check in regularly to ensure everyone is feeling motivated and productive.

Prioritise mental health

Make it known that your company is focused on employee mental health – encourage mental-health days, flexible work schedules, and access to mental-health initiatives. Foster a culture of communication and openness, where team members feel they can be honest about their mental health.

Offer rewards and recognition

A pat on the back (even a virtual one!) for a job or task well done can work wonders for employee motivation. You might be surprised!

About The HR Dept

The HR Dept are an outsourced HR consulting organisation in the Western suburbs of Perth.

Director Pia Engstrom holds a Bachelor of Business degree with a double major in Human Resources & Management from Edith Cowan University and has over 20 years’ experience in the areas of HR, IR management and consulting in both Australia and the UK.

Pia and the team at the HR Dept are passionate about small businesses and helping them to navigate through complex employment legislation, rules, and regulations. We believe that by outsourcing your HR, you’re in a better position to do what you do best and grow your business.

Whether you need regular day-to-day advice, support for a one-off project or you feel your company would benefit from a free no-obligation HR health check, please get in touch with the HR Dept today.

Want to learn how to further grow your business?

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