About Event
Have you been spending money on improving product quality, or have plans to do so? Are you investing in better processes? Or perhaps you have tried and tested the unknown. All of this comes with a level of risk, and when there’s risk involved, there are government grants available that you may be eligible for.
Discover how your business can benefit from the federal government’s R&D tax incentive over breakfast at Blake Street Merchant. Learn how to access the dilution-free, cash funding you need to launch your product, hire that new employee or expand into a new market.
In this session, our R&D and Grants experts will discuss:
- What qualifies as “R&D” and what doesn’t?
- What costs can I include?
- What documentation do I need to support my claim?
- What are the key areas of interest that the regulators are focusing on?
We will then take any questions that you may have about the R&D tax incentive, so come armed with questions about the projects you’re carrying out in your business! This session will be with a small group to encourage discussions.
Ticket price includes a delicious breakfast. Breakfast menu as follows: boards of fresh fruit to start, then your choice on; granola, mixed nuts, and yoghurt, or smashed avo and poached eggs on sourdough toast, or poached eggs with potato gems and free-range bacon. All served with delicious morning tea or coffee of your choice.
Walk away safe in the knowledge that you can take your business to the next level with the support of our R&D and Grants experts.