For most of us, health, loved ones, finances and our careers are at the top of our “life’s most important priorities” list. We trust our doctors and health carers with our wellbeing, and we strive to succeed at work, so why would we leave our finances in the hands of strangers without checking their background and reputation?

Established History and Proven Reputation are Excellent Indicators

Business owners are particularly vulnerable in this regard. Choosing an accounting company to assist with their business systems and accounting affairs is a major decision that will have long-term implications for the overall success of the business. Placing their trust in accounting firms that lack an established history and a proven reputation is an expensive gamble.

At Carbon Group we are not interested in gambling, only in providing our business clients with sound professional advice and skilled accounting expertise based on knowledge and experience. We can trace our beginnings back to the 1930s in the Queensland town of Gympie. Our company has since developed and expanded to other locations, adapting to economic and technological change, and building a reputation for acting in the best interests of our clients.

Trust Once Built Must be Nurtured and Guarded

This element of trust has been hard earned and is something we guard carefully. The testimonials on our website are provided by existing clients who trust us to provide support when it is needed. They are so confident of our ability to add value to their businesses that they willingly made public their business names.

For anyone looking for an accounting firm, there is no more reliable reference than these word-of-mouth referrals from our existing clients. They validate any information already gathered, and also afford the opportunity for the prospective client to ask specific questions about our service delivery, reliability and confidentiality.

Established Firms have Good Staff and Proven Systems

As an accounting firm with a long history of service to our clients, Carbon Group also offer stability in our staffing arrangements. This allows our accounting specialists to build respectful relationships with our business owners and provides them the opportunity to really understand a client business. The insights they gain through these relationships enrich the advice they offer to our clients.

Long-established accounting firms also provide advice on business systems and work with clients to improve their internal processes, creating efficiencies that reduce costs. They can do this with confidence because they usually have trialled and improved these systems in their own office. By the time they are ready to offer advice on business systems to their clients, they have practical experience in a real setting, and the client gets the benefit.

When in Doubt, Ask Around

The best advice we can offer to anyone looking for an accounting firm to support their growing business is to take the time to check behind the scenes. Ask for access to existing clients for references, check professional memberships and qualifications and most important of all, try to picture yourself in a long-term relationship with this firm. If something does not feel right, there is probably a reason. Contact us.