Extension of the 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grant
The 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grants have been extended to support Queensland businesses impacted by the border restrictions with New South Wales.
Eligible businesses or not-for-profit organisations can apply for the grant if:
- Their business is in the border business zone.
- They have experienced a reduction in turnover of at least 30% for a seven-day period anywhere from 14 August 2021 until border restrictions within hotspots adjacent to the border are lifted.
- All other COVID-19 Business Support Grant eligibility criteria continue to be met.
- You have not already received a COVID-19 Business Support Grant (due to lockdowns).
Tourism and Hospitality Sector Hardship Program
Queensland businesses who are eligible will receive one-off payments of $15,000, $25,000 and $50,000 for small, medium and large employing businesses that have experienced a reduction in turnover of at least 70% for a seven-day period between 1 July and 30 September.
COVID-19 Border Business Zone Hardship Grants
Businesses in the border business zone may also be eligible for a hardship payment of $5,000 for employing businesses or $1,000 for non-employing sole traders. This grant will only become available if the current border closure extends for two months or longer (until or longer than 14 October 2021).
Eligible businesses can apply for the grant if:
- You have a trading location in the border business zone and,
- Have applied for, and received the COVID-19 Business Support Grant.
Businesses who meet these criteria will be asked to register their interest but will not need to submit a new application.
Grants may be available in mid-October.
Find out the latest information on grants
Further information for border zone businesses will be coming soon. If you are looking for more specific information such as eligibility criteria and application dates, head to the Business Queensland website.
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