Managing a business has always been challenging, and with every decade it seems that, along with the ever-present issues of cash flow, staffing, budgets and sales, some new torment arises. In the past 20 years, we have had the introduction of a GST (goods and services tax), in 2008 it was the global financial crisis, and now climate change is set to impact the economy in ways we can’t imagine.

Relieve Stress by Seeking Outside Help

Despite the uncertainties and daily struggles, business owners and managers continue looking forward. Even though they are managing their operations with professional staff to keep their accounts in order, the clever ones still seek outside assistance to relieve some of the stress.

This is whereΒ Carbon GroupΒ comes in. We are an accounting firm that does much more for their business clients than prepare tax returns. Our comprehensive range of business programs and services is designed to extend beyond traditional accounting services to help our business clients navigate this challenging environment.

Compare Your Business with Others with our Benchmarking Check

For clients who feel that their business is just β€œtreading water” we offer a benchmarking andΒ business health checkΒ to assess their position against other comparable businesses in the same market. This is an exercise that most managers know is useful, but do not have the resources to do themselves. With our assistance, they soon have the data they need to make crucial decisions.

Strategic Planning Workshop Sets a New Direction

Strategic planning is another service we offer that is critical to future success. Our advisors assist the client to develop a clear vision of where they want the business to be, and a series of practical instructions on how to get there. We use a stimulating, interactive workshop format that raises the important issues all successful businesses must address.

The process gives the client a workable business plan to follow considering the competitive advantage, strengths, weaknesses and potential threats, along with clear strategies to help the business meet its goals. We don’t then abandon the business to its own devices, but schedule a follow-up to check if the business plan has been implemented and offer further assistance where needed.

Every Manager Needs a Mentor at Some Stage

Our clients can also join our Business Mentor program for those occasions when the ear of an independent party is invaluable in making a difficult decision. Sometimes a business owner or manager just needs to discuss an embryonic idea without involving people in the business prematurely. Sometimes they want their thinking to be challenged or they require a confidential, unbiased opinion on an issue.

These are just a few of the ways we help our clients de-stress. Don’t stumble into the future alone with the weight of everything on your shoulders. Join one of our programs and let us share the load.